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Sookmyung Receives Highest “S” Ranking in Ministry of Education's “2024 University Innovation Performance Evaluation”

  • Views 1104
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2024-08-08

Sookmyung Women's University received the highest “S” ranking in the “educational innovation” category by the Ministry of Education in the 2024 University Innovation Performance Evaluation.

For this performance evaluation, the Ministry of Education evaluated the achievements of each university, such as the expansion of available majors and the advancement of student support systems, and ranked from highest to lowest: S, A, B, and C. Thanks to this year’s evaluation, Sookmyung Women’s University will receive approximately KRW 4.8 billion in support funds from the Ministry of Education, with a total of KRW 9 billion being secured as university innovation support funds.

Sookmyung received a high rating for our achievements in educational innovation for our step-by-step academic structure reorganization that was created in response to social changes based on our mid to long-term development plans. We are currently proposing a completely student-centered, flexible academic system to realize our goal of implementing the educational innovation model “WISE,” and offer a variety of choices for selection in major tracks, including minors and double majors.

Another key achievement was our collection of member opinions using honest, transparent methods for the wide promotion of recruitment, which is a key policy of the Ministry of Education.

While establishing the 2025 Sunheon College Free Major Track, Sookmyung became a leader in innovation by including cutting-edge majors in the free major recruitment process, and further establishing a recruitment team to promote free major track selection centered around those cutting-edge majors. We presented a career and employment roadmap from freshman year to three years after graduation, and prepared preliminary response plans for wanted major tracks, which we gathered from a survey of students’ desired majors.

President Chang Yun-keum said, “This recognition is the result of the hard work and dedication of all our facility members for the introduction of the free major track and advancement of educational innovation,” adding, “Sookmyung will continue to lead the way for educational innovation and produce top results.”

The Ministry of Education's University Innovation program aims to improve the student body and cultivate future talents through the innovation of free majors at universities. Currently, a total of 117 universities are participating in the program.