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Health Insurance

Sookmyung Women’s University requires all full-time international students, including exchange students, to have hospital/accident insurance or other healthcare coverage for the entire year.

Please check the link below for the information on Korea's National Health Care mandatory requirement (since May 2021):


Students with sufficient insurance coverage that fulfills the health insurance waiver conditions must submit a copy of their insurance policy to the staff at Global Lounge. Please be aware that students without adequate health insurance will not be eligible for benefits available to International Students, including scholarships and other services (such as Cultural Activities) provided by SMU.

International Students' Indemnity Health Insurance

  • Sookmyung Women’s University requires all full-time international students to purchases the International Students’ Indemnity Medical Expenses Insurance.(March 2024). It covers deaths and diseases, etc, not covered by the national health insurance of Korea. For those who have not yet purchased adequate health insurance for their study at SMU in Korea, we would like to provide a brief information on the health insurance policy program offered by DB Insurance, one of the major local insurance companies in Korea. 
  • For more information about DB Insurance, please visit their website at [Insert DB Insurance website link] Click here
