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대한민국 최초 여성 기상캐스터, 이익선 동문

  • 조회수 1516
  • 작성자 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 인터뷰자
  • 작성일 2015-12-14



기존의 ‘기상캐스터=남자’라는 공식을 과감히 깨고, 여성 특유의 청아한 목소리로 한국 기상 캐스터의 판도를 바꿔놓은 여성 기상캐스터가 등장했다. 바로 우리나라 최초 여성 기상 캐스터 이익선 동문(아동복지 91졸)이 그 주인공이다.

매일 아침, 어떻게 하면 날씨를 신선하게 전달할 수 있을지를 고민했던 이 동문은 비 내리는 날에는 비옷을 입고, 햇볕이 뜨거운 날에는 선글라스를 끼며 날씨에 따라 다른 의상 콘셉트를 도입한 최초의 기상캐스터이기도 하다. 남다른 그녀의 일기예보 방식은 여성 캐스터의 선풍적인 인기를 주도하며, 본격적으로 여성 캐스터 전성시대의 포문을 열었다.

16년간 기상 캐스터로서의 활동을 접고, 이 동문은 2011년 한국기상캐스터협회를 설립하였다. 대부분의 기상캐스터들이 프리랜서로 활동하기 때문에 부당한 대우를 받기 쉬운 업무 환경을 개선하고, 기상 캐스터로서의 전문성을 더욱 높이고자 협회를 설립한 것이다.

마지막으로 이 동문은 자신이 하는 일에 있어서 프로의 자세를 지키는 것이 중요하다고 말했다. 대학 시절 안 해본 아르바이트가 없을 정도로 다양한 경험 쌓기를 중시했던 이 동문은 어떤 일을 하더라도 자신의 인격을 존중하며 긍지를 가지고 스스로의 품위를 지킬 줄 아는 사람이 진정한 프로임을 역설했다.




SMT  What was the center of your university life at SMU?  

LEE  My university life was mostly spent on my participation in the Sookmyung Broadcasting System and part-time jobs.  I must have tried a million different jobs, from recording bus announcements to working in pubs. I actually worked at the pub for only four days and quit, but the boss refused to pay me the money I earned. I didn’t back down, and kept my spot until he finally paid me what I deserved, which was about 15,000 won. I went straight to the bakery to buy a 12,000 won cake, went straight back to the pub, left the cake on the table for the boss and fellow employees to eat, and exited the premises.  I grew up in a fairly conservative family, and went to an all girls’ middle school, high school, and university. I wanted to experience as much of the society as possible, and there was no better place to gain such lessons than from part-time jobs, where you are basically paid to learn about how the community goes round. What I do feel regretful about my university life is dating.


SMT  Do you have your own dating philosophy?

LEE  I am one who believes in love for love’s sake.  There is nothing that makes a person more generous and happier than being in love.  However, I think that today’s dating is a little bit different from our time.  In our days, it took forever just to hold hands for the first time, and a first kiss was an event that we would never be able to forget.  Yet I wonder if today’s lovers feel the heart-throbbing that we used to feel.  For example, let us say that it took three months for a couple in our time to hold hands, and only three hours for the young couples of the present.  At the first contact of skin, although the touch and body temperature is the same, the memories will have so much difference in their significance when looking back in time.


undefinedSMT  As the first ever female weather forecaster, despite the responsibility of being the first, and the warnings from the broadcasting system, you always tried to deliver the news in an innovative and challenging way.

LEE  I was the first to ever wear a raincoat during a weather forecast.  I also once took off my cardigan during the on-air news to show how warm the weather was at that time.  Although many of my superiors told me to tone it down, I never did.  The weather can immensely influence a person’s feelings.  It can change what they want to do during the day, where they want to go, or what kind of music they want to listen to.  On a clear bright sunny day, people want to go to the beach.  On a rainy day, people want to stay in and listen to music.  When the weather practically controls the state of mind and the weather forecaster just plainly reads what is written on the script, “Today’s weather is sunny,” do you think the people will actually be able to “feel” the news?  Forecasting the weather requires sensibility and a deep understanding of people.  Rain can be bad news to the general masses, but extremely good news to, perhaps, and old farmer who has been waiting for some rain to save his crops.  By adding sensibility to my forecasts, the audience can more fully appreciate the weather news.


SMT  You are the president of the Weather Forecasters Association.  Could you explain the purpose of its establishment? 

LEE  One aim was to increase the development of more professionalism by sharing useful information amongst fellow weather forecasters.  We had no community, and our occupation was free lance, so there weren’t many opportunities to meet up with each other.  Another aim was to prevent any violations of our civil rights as a weather forecaster.  In the case of announcers, when any of them were treated unfairly by a broadcasting system, the Announcer Association would send a complaint and protect the announcer.  However, before our community was set up, as most of us weather forecasters were free lancers with no definite affiliation to any company, we were easily fired or put in an insecure spot.  We also hoped to improve the unstable employment circumstances of the weather forecast occupation.


SMT  Some are skeptical about the idea of the Weather Forecasters Association doing volunteer work as their main activities.  They argue that it is only done for the purpose of giving a good impression to society.  

LEE  I want to ask, is it such a bad thing to want to give a good impression to society?  If we weather forecasters did a good deed, and it improved our image, then we would be happy.  However, what I would like to make clear is that it is not our primary goal.  If that were so, we would have used the media to positively promote every single one of our volunteer actions.  That was not the case.  After a typhoon passed, we all went to the Han-River Park to clean up the mess, wearing hats and hoods so no one knew who we were.  We would clean up the park, take a couple of photos, and post it on our SNS pages.  That’s usually it.


SMT  You used to give lectures on “How to live as a Pro.”  What is your definition of a professional? 

LEE  I have seen many professionals in all kinds of fields, and have come to the conclusion that they all share two main characteristics.  First of all, they have dignity. Now, there are two definitions to the word dignity, and most people think of the first meaning, which is being “arrogant and pretentious about one’s position.”  I always remember the next definition, which is“respecting one’s own personality, taking pride, and maintaining one’s poise.”  All professionals have dignity in themselves and their own work, and this is one of the factors that have brought them to where they stand today.  Another characteristic professionals share is consistency.  It is different from simple diligence.  People with consistency never falter in making an effort and have the endurance to not take a rest.  So, try starting anything.  Start an activity, and work on it a little by little each day.  For example, if you are a movie maniac, write a little review after each movie you watch.  With consistency, in just no time, you will find you have made a book’s-worth of writings.  While being a mentor for many students, I have always noticed how impatient and restless they are, and this makes me laugh.  Even people like me, who hate wasting a single second, get something out of fooling around for a whole three months; the lesson is that you get tired of fooling around if you do it for too long.  Those three months did not go to waste, because I got something out of it.  There is a poem by Robert Frost called ‘The Road Not Taken.’ It is about a fork in the road, and regretting not taking the other path after already going down another one . We tend to take the wide road with lots of people in it, but why play it safe?  Why not venture down a narrow desert path?  After all, clearing up the twigs and thorns that block your way will definitely not go to waste.



Lee Iksun (LEE) graduated Division of Child Welfare & Studies in 1991, and became the first ever female weather forecaster in the same year.
She is currently the president of the Weather Forecasters Association, and hosts Yeollin Madang (BTN), Haengbok Virus (KFN), and Lee Iksun’s SNS Show (TBS).



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