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College of Engineering


Department of Computer Science

Department of Data Science

“Mastering the World of Data: Empowering Women as Global Data Specialists.”

The Software Engineering Department strives to train IT professionals who meet the demands of the information age with a combination of expertise and practicality. Our goal is to contribute to the development of businesses and the nation while promoting the personal growth of our students. In the Data Science major, we offer a specialized curriculum that focuses on developing the skills to analyze and understand diverse types of data. Our aim is to nurture creative and versatile data science experts.

Education Purposes

The goal of the Computer Science division is to empower women with expertise and practical skills in the field of computer science, enabling them to take a leading role in the globalized and digitized world.

Education Goals

The primary goal of the Division of Computer Science is to nurture highly skilled computer science professionals who possess both expertise and practicality to lead the globalized and digitized era. Specifically, our objectives include:

  1. Cultivating IT professionals with strong leadership qualities.
  2. Developing professionals with the ability to create and manage complex software solutions.
  3. Equipping professionals with the skills for international collaboration engagement