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[ER3] Research Center with Sustainable focus

  • Views 794
  • Writer SMU
  • 보도일자 2024-04-01

Please refer to the attached file for more details.   

【Environmental Research Center】


1. The Research Institute of Global Environment(RIGE)


Sookmyung Woman's University RIGE aims to constribute to solving global environmental problems through research on the basics and applications of environmental sustainabilities and international cooperation.

*Homepage: http://rige.sookmyung.ac.kr/


2. Climate & Environment Modeling Lab


 1) Modeling Work

  - Nationwide Econometric GHS emissions Projections Models

  - Bottom-up Model for GHSs Emission Reduction Potential

  - Forecasting Model for emission permit price in Kora Emission Trading Scheme

 2) Policy Analysis

  - Emission Reduction target in the public sector of cities and of provinces in Korea

  - Environmental and Economic and analysis of district heating and cooling systems in Korea

 3) Climate Change Negotiation

  - Suggestion of the Korea's negotiation strategies

  - Climate change conferences(COP, CMP, CMA, SBSTA, SBI)


*Homepage: https://www.climate.sookmyung.ac.kr/research


3. Climate Crisis Response Carbon Reduction Research Center

To contribute to the establishment of a sustainable eco-system through the development of carbon reduction technologies that go beyond carbon neutrality and promote carbon-negative practices, and to create an academic and industrial foundation for the future growth of new industries in the energy and environmental sectors.

*Source: https://rule.sookmyung.ac.kr/lmxsrv/law/lawFullView.do?SEQ=221&SEQ_HISTORY=2147

*attached File:  Status of Research Center in Industry-Academia Cooperation Center

【Social Research Center】


1. Research Institute of Asian Woman(RIAW)

 - RIAW vision is to become Aisa-based world-class institute contributing to gender equality and social integration.

 - RIAW aims to fulfil the new challenges by garnering insightful knowledge befitting the times and returning it to

   society. Through these efforts, the institute will strive to realize the founding values of Sookmyung Women's

   University of Co-existence and public interest

 - RIAW contributes through curriculum to the teaching of undergraduate Liberal Arts courses (refer to the attached Files)

*Homepage: https://asianfem.sookmyung.ac.kr/160

2. Research Institute of Woman's Health(RIWH)


RIWH is a leading research institute of Sookmyung Women's University, contributed to the research of women's health and training of women scientist.


*Homepage: https://riwh.sookmyung.ac.kr/

*Attached file : RIWH Brochure

3. Chronic and Metabolic Diseases Research Center(CMDRC)


CMDRC is designated as a Core Research Support Center by the National Facilities for Equipment and Facilities for Research Centers (NFEC) in response to the increasing need for basic research to overcome various metabolic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, etc. 

*Homepage: https://cfcmd.sookmyung.ac.kr/


【Governance Research Center】


Sookmyung Institute of Global Governace(SIGG)


In line with the rapidly changing global governance environment, SIGG contributes to the improvement and development of global education and research, national policy establishment, and global HRD through academic research on theories and practices related to global governance.

*Homepage: https://sigg.or.kr/