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[EE3] Climate Science / Sustainability Courses

  • Views 770
  • Writer SMU
  • 보도일자 2024-04-01

Please refer to the attached file for more details. 



Interdisciplinary Program for Global Environment 


▶ Introduction

Interdisciplinary Program for Global Environment responds to rapid changes in domestic and international situations through comprehensive and systematic education in the field of study related to the global environment. It aims to foster global environmental professionals.


▶ Bachelor of Environment Studies


 ※ Attached File #1: Global Environment


Smart Green & Care Engineering(Student Designed Major)


▶ Introduction

Smart Green & Care Engineering major covers a new curriculum that organically incorporates areas that mainstay of the 4th industry, such as advanced materials, energy, and sensors.The final goal is to produce creative talents with convergent thinking skills required by experts and future society.

▶ Bachelor of Smart Green & Care Engineering


 ※ Attached File #2: Smart Green & Care Engineering


Graduate School】


Department of Climate, Environment and Engergy Studies(Interdisciplinary Programs)


▶ Introduction

The Department of Climate Environment and Energy Studies at Sookmyung Women's University is an interdisciplinary course established by professor from the Department of Chemistry, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Public Administrations, Global Services, and Convergence of Climate and Environmental Studies. Based on the Department of Convergence of Climate and Environmental Studies in graduate school of professional studies, the Department, which was established in September 2019, has master's combined master's and doctorate, and doctoral program. Most students are full-time researcher at the Climate Environmental Modeling Lab and there are some students who work while attending the school part-time.


▶ Master in Climate, Environment and Energy Studies


▶ Ph.D in Climate, Environment and Energy Studies


 ※ Homepage: https://cee.sookmyung.ac.kr/



Graduate School of TESOL and International Studies】


Department of Convergence of Climate and Environmental Studies


▶ Introduction

The Department of Convergence of Climate Environmental Studies at Sookmyung Women's University introduces students to interdisciplinary approaches and policies in the fields of climate change and environmental research under the themes of sustainable development, geoscience, climate science, ecology, energy resources policy, economics, law, international negotiations, and statistics.

▶ Master of Convergence Science in Climate and Environment


 ※ Homepage: https://cces.sookmyung.ac.kr/

 ※ Related News: https://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/kr/news/sm-news.do?mode=view&articleNo=80085