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Activities for SDGs


“#Live Together Challenge,” a global campaign against racism

  • Views 123
  • Writer SMU
  • 작성일 2024-03-18

Sookmyung Women's University uploaded a post opposing racism and hate crimes with a photo of President Chang holding the #Live Together Challenge sign on the official SNS (https://www.instagram.com/p/CP12L29DuTO/) on June 8 (Tue). President Chang participated in the campaign after being nominated by Changwon National University President Ho-young Lee, and as the next nominee, Dongseo University President Jekuk Chang, president of the Korean Association of Private University Presidents, was nominated. 

This campaign is being conducted with the goal of solidarity and inclusion in the international community as the number of racism and hate crimes increases worldwide as the COVID-19 crisis continues. The campaign logo used on pickets is a combination of the image of various races used in UNESCO's “Relief Forum against Racism and Discrimination” and “Learning to Live Together,” one of the values of global citizenship education. It contains the desire to achieve this harmony.

President Chang said, "Sookmyung Women's University opposes all kinds of racial discrimination and hate crimes. I hope that people from all over the world will come together to achieve harmonious coexistence through the #Live Together Challenge."

* Source : https://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/en/news/sm-news.do?mode=view&articleNo=83293