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Activities for SDGs


To Foster Female Talent in IT with MS Vice Chairman

  • Views 91
  • Writer SMU
  • 작성일 2024-03-18

Our university hosted Brad Smith, vice chairman and general president of Microsoft, for a discussion on empowering women in the IT industry. The University Job Plus Center of our university hosted the Empowering Women for Career in Tech meeting at the Hyun Sang-Eun Lounge in the Centennial Hall on Tue, Apr. 18.


Universities, the Government, and businesses have joined forces to provide information to young people interested in pursuing careers in the IT field, following the visit of Brad Smith, vice chairman and general manager of Microsoft, a global IT company. Brad Smith, who is also in charge of legal and government relations met National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo at the National Assembly and delivered a lecture under the theme of The Present and Future of AI and Us. 


The meeting was attended by more than 30 young enthusiasts participating in Microsoft's Skills for Jobs program and Career Mentoring Day, as well as President Jang Yun-keum, Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jung-sik, and Microsoft Korea CEO Lee Ji-eun.

(from left) Brad Smith (vice chairman & general manager of Microsoft), Lee Jung-sik (minister of Employment and Labor), and Jang Yun-keum (president of Sookmyung University) 

During the 40-minute meeting, students asked questions about how universities, the Government, and companies can collaborate to mentor students who are interested in careers in the IT industry. In particular, they discussed: how universities, the Government, and companies should respond to the digital economy; the culture of respect for diversity in multinational companies; and government policies to realize the value of diversity in the labor market, including non-majors, women, and NEETs.


When CEO Lee Ji-eun was asked about the direction and pace of digital transformation in the future, she answered, "Just like the recent emergence of ChatGPT, it will continue to change." She added, "Instead of just telling people to put away their smart phones, younger generations should be exposed to new technologies and develop their capabilities to lead digital transformation in the future."

President Jang Yun-keum said, "We will continue to implement high-quality career and employment support programs to help women and young adults enter the IT industry and become leaders.” She added, "With the excellent experience and capabilities we have accumulated over the years, such as being selected as an excellent university operating the University Job Plus Center for seven consecutive years, we will continue to strengthen cooperation with the government and companies to promote youth employment."


Brad Smith, vice chairman and general manager of Microsoft said, "It was informative and inspiring time to learn so much about the challenges and opportunities for women working in the IT industry in Korea.” He added, "Increasing the number of women in global technology field is a top priority, and communication opportunities like today are critical for all of us to make progress."

Minister Lee Jung-sik stated, "Through this cooperation, we will be able to provide more opportunities for women and non-majors to enter the high-tech industry." He continued, "The Government will further expand job skills development and employment opportunities through University Job Plus Centers and K-Digital Training program."

The participants also had some warm words of advice for the students who will lead the future. Minister Lee Jung-sik said, "I have come to this point in my life by always following my motto: living together with grateful heart.” He emphasized, "It is important to have your own brand while always trying to learn something new." 


President Jang said, "There is a saying that I always have in mind. 'If the wind will not serve, take to the oars,' and I want to tell students that no matter what difficulties you might face in the future, you can start on your own."


Meanwhile, the University Job Plus Center of our university is planning to run 2023 Information Security Talent Training Course with Microsoft in June to foster practical talent in the information security field. The program will be held for 10 days during the summer vacation and will be open to local youths as well as students of our university. At the end of the course, participants will receive a Microsoft-labeled certificate of completion and credits.

* Source : https://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/en/news/sm-news.do?mode=view&articleNo=83378