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'1st place in all of ROTC', our university's Park Ki-eun cadet receives the Presidential Award at

  • Views 1984
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2013-03-28

On the 8th, the joint officer commissioning ceremony was held at Gyeryongdae military headquarters in Chungnam Province, and in attendance was President Park Geun-hye, including, distinguished guests, family and friends of the graduates, amounting to 20,000 people.

Our university is the first women's university to produce ROTC officers and the highest ranking graduate, and on this day, 28 cadets from the 51st graduating class attended the ceremony along with our university President Hwang Sun-hye, Dean of Students, Jeon Ra-ok, and other officials.

After the 1st part of the commissioning ceremony, our university's Park Ki-eun cadet from physical education department class of 2009 received the Presidential Award for graduating with the highest ranking out of 4,385 ROTC graduates. The first ROTC cadet receiving the Presidential Award from the first female president Park Geun-hye was a view to be remembered and the highlight of the day's ceremony.

On this day, Cadet Park received applause from the audience with her conviction, "5 thousand officers who were commissioned today, including myself, aren't just young citizens of Korea, but will do everything in our power to become the key defenders of Korea's security and protect our nation."

In addition, our university's Seo Eun-young cadet from food science and nutrition department class of 2009 also graduated with excellent honor of 7th ranking and contributed to raising the Sookmyeong Women's University's ROTC status by receiving the Commanding Officer Award