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Held the Online Undergraduate/Graduate Commencement Ceremony for the 1st Term of 2020

  • Views 3561
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2021-03-23

On February 25th, Sookmyung Women’s University held the “Undergraduate/Graduate Commencement Ceremony for the 1st Term of 2020” via online. In accordance with the social distancing policy due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sookmyung Women’s University produced a special video for conferring degrees and released it online on this day.


The total number of graduates receiving degrees was 1,871, including 1,477 undergraduate students (including academic credit bank system) and 394 graduate students (including 36 doctorate). The video of the online degree conferment ceremony can be found on the school website and YouTube.


[View video]

Bachelor's degree conferment ceremony video

Graduate degree conferment ceremony video


The video of the online degree conferment ceremony includes the impressions of graduates who are facing a new beginning, memories of their past college life, and congratulatory remarks from Sookmyung Educational Foundation Chairman Seung-Han Lee, President Yunkeum Chang, and Alumni President Sun-rye Kim. The graduate school video also included congratulatory remarks by Kyeong-muk Oh, Dean of Graduate School, Jin-su Kim, Dean of Graduate School of Professional Studies, and Geon-jong Yeo, Dean of Graduate School of Education.



In his congratulatory remark, Chairman Seung-han Lee delivered a message to the graduates who began their maiden voyage into the vast sea called the world. Chairman Lee said, “I hope you can begin your voyage in the wide and vast sea of the world with the three principles of seeing change in a positive attitude, living a life of consideration, and doing your best in small things,” and “As you have matured in knowledge and wisdom through Sookmyung, I hope that you can begin your path to serving the nation and humanity.”



President Yunkeum Chang said, “Abraham Lincoln said there are more times when you need the courage to dare to challenge yourself to do better than to be afraid of doing something wrong,” and “I hope you can become leaders who actively challenge and innovate in the midst of today’s huge maelstrom of challenges such as the 4th industrial revolution, COVID-19, and climate change.” In addition, she asked “to lead a better life with the values of coexistence and cooperation by inheriting the founding spirit of Sookmyung and to become leaders who pay attention to the problems facing the global community.” Finally, President Chang added, "All faculty members and 110,000 alumni of Sookmyung will support the hopeful future and passionate challenges of our graduates with all our heart."



At the undergraduate degree conferment ceremony, Yu-jeong Park from the Division of Law received the Chairman's Award, and Wu-sol Kim from the Department of Clothing & Textiles received the President's Award. Se-ri Park from the Division of Education and 12 others received the College Dean's Award. In addition, Chae-eun Mun of the Division of Business Administration received the Alumni President’s Award, and Jeong-yoon Choi of the Division of Education and 8 others were honored with the College Alumni President's Award.


At the graduate school's degree conferment ceremony, Hye-in Ga, from the Department of Biological Sciences for General Graduate Schools, won the Alumni President’s Award, and Se-hui Jang from the Department of Korean Language and Literature and 13 others received the Best Thesis and Recital Awards for General Graduate Schools. In the Graduate School of Professional Studies, Dong-hyeon Kim from the Department of International Service and six others received the Best Thesis Award, and in the Graduate School of Education, Hyeon-jeong Choi from the Early Childhood Education and four others received the Best Thesis Award.





In addition to the online degree conferment ceremony, Sookmyung Women’s University has enabled the renting of graduation gowns and taking pictures on campus from February 16th. In particular, photo zones and snowflake sculptures were arranged throughout the campus to allow graduates to take photos in various spaces in an attempt to console the graduates’ missed face-to-face ceremony.