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“Sookmyung Global Language Camp” opens

  • Views 1554
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2022-08-29

The “2022 Sookmyung Global Language Camp” hosted by Sookmyung Women’s University’s Global Language Institute was held from July 4 (Mon) to 25 (Mon) for 3 weeks.


This camp is a program designed to promote Sookmyung Women’s University's degree program and to expand international students for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), where there is a high demand for Korean experience and Korean language education thanks to the popularity of the Korean Wave.



The camp is divided into 1st and 2nd parts, and 142 trainees from Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan participated in the first part.


After a brief orientation and campus tour on the first day, the participating students took a Korean proficiency test and were divided into groups by level. Then, for three weeks, Korean classes were held on campus in the morning, and in the afternoon, they went on a city tour and enjoyed the daily life of Korea.




The Global Language Institute held a seminar to promote Sookmyung Women’s University's degree program during the camp to introduce the school to trainees interested in entering the undergraduate or graduate school. In addition, Korean culture experience programs such as K-pop dancing and wearing hanbok were also held to arouse the interest of the participants.




The participants said, “I liked the Korean language classes and the program structure, so I want to continue taking Korean classes at Sookmyung.”




Meanwhile, the second global language camp will be held from July 29 to August 19 for about 30 people.