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New Campus Attraction - A Brand New Sculpture of “Snowflake” Erected at the Snowflake Square

  • Views 813
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2023-12-18

A new photo spot symbolizing Sookmyung Women's University has been placed at the Snowflake Square of the No. 2 Changhak Campus.

“On December 11, we erected a new sculpture of our signature character Noonsongi, who is loved by all of our students,” the Communication Team explained.

The new sculpture of Snowflake is slated to become a well-loved photo spot, along with the already built Snowflake sculpture at the amphitheater on the No. 1 Campus.

This new sculpture features a heart-shaped frame and a figure of Snowflake, allowing visitors to take many different photos. Wheels are installed at the bottom, allowing the sculpture to be moved and used in various events or shoots.

The new Snowflake sculpture at the Snowflake Square Hall is expected to be a hotspot for students traveling to and from the No. 2 Changhak Campus.

“Noonsongi is beloved by all of Sookmyung’s students and staff, and differentiates our university from any others,” the Communication Team stated. They added, “We erected this sculpture for both internal and external promotion of our university, as well as boosting student morale.”