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Sookmyung’s Volunteer Service for Koreans Adopted Overseas… with the Global Sharing Program

  • Views 1696
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-10-15

Sookmyung added its own color to the Rainbow Camp this year by sending its SIWA volunteer group, run by Sookmyung Social Services. The group’s student volunteers explain their home country, Korea, to the adoptees through the educational programs they have prepared over the year. Social Services inform us that interest in these educational and creative programs and their operation has spread from the camp to the local community, with many commenting favorably on the programs.



Sookmyung’s SIWA volunteer service corps, which kicked off its mission with the India Service Project in 2001, has been running far more diversified programs on a global scale since forming a collaboration with Seoul International Women’s Association. SIWA distinguishes itself from other university service groups, which often visit low-income families or others in the local community, by focusing their service on the some 600,000 Koreans adopted overseas. The Sookmyung service corps also visits the Ilsanholt Wellbeing Center and provides services such as bathing, meals, and other forms of assistance to the disabled each week.



Sookmyung visited several elementary schools in Vietnam and the Philippines last year and early this year, to teach music, physical education, arts, dance and so on to children who do not usually have such subjects at school. Sookmyung students were also sent to Vietnam, Senegal and other countries by the Korean Cultural Institute to teach Korean language and culture. An officer in Social Services stated that, while having students participate in international volunteer activities, Sookmyung is sparing no effort in helping its students cultivate a volunteer spirit and broaden their vision so that they develop into global leaders.