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'Smile Pizza Event at the Global Lounge' with Foreign Students

  • Views 1615
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-12-26

President Hwang promised to become an on the scene President and her appearance at the event is part of her communication efforts, held every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Last November 14th, President Hwang visited the student union hall cafe. For her second meeting, she decided to meet the foreign exchange students.



President Hwang met with about 50 students from 13 countries, including France, Kenya, Indonesia, United States, and China. She spoke in fluent English without using an interpreter and presided over the pizza party. She stayed about an hour and talked about the time she spent studying abroad and about her reflections on her presidency. Students asked if they could request counselling sessions and other personal questions.



Sterenn Colley, who is from France, stated "In my country, there are no opportunities to meet with the president. It was new and fresh. It was nice meeting professors and new friends."


After the event President Hwang and the students moved to another location where they took a commemorative photo. Dean Ra Ok Chun stated, "Many foreign students study at our university, we will prepare more opportunities for these students to communicate with the leadership. We will continue to meet and communicate with the many and diverse members of our university.