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Sookmyung Women's University as the host institution of the Korea-France Forum Agreement Ceremony

  • Views 2008
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-12-27

The Korea Cultural Exchange Foundation publicly recruited institutions to partake in the international forum project. The purpose of the recruitment process was to enhance the level of expertise in international exchanges for the international forum project. Our university was selected in the process. Director Si Yeon Moon(Korea Cultural Exchange Foundation) explained the selection, "During the review process, outside experts looked upon Sookmyung Women's University's capacity for international exchanges and expertise with high regard." With the signing of this agreement, our university intends to cooperate closely with the Korean Cultural Exchange Foundation to hold a successful Korea-France Forum and contribute to the international exchange.



Our university is responsible for the planning and hosting of the 10th Korea-France forum. We will be moving forward with projects that will stem from the forum for the next 2 years or more. There will be a Korea-France Young Leaders forum, a forum that nurtures an understanding of both countries in future leaders. For the C.F.C(Cercle Franco-Coréen, a community of French embassy employees and other French employees of companies in Korea) a Korean Culture Education Program and a Korea-France Cultural Night will be held. There will also be a joint forum on the legal systems of the EU and France, and the establishment of a research institute on the legal systems of France and the EU will be discussed.


The Korea-France forum has been hosted jointly since by the Korea Cultural Exhange Foundation and the IFRI(Institut français des relations internationales) since 1995. The forum has been held in each country every other year. Senior government officials, congressmen, and experts have participated and discussed the relationship between both countries, local and global issues, and other joint interests. The G20 new international financial order and developmental cooperation, social issues in the age of globalization, mutual cooperation in industry and technology were included in the agenda at the 9th Korea-France forum, which was held in Seoul in 2010.



President Hwang stated, "Our university was the first in the nation to host the Korea-France Cultural Policy Forum, a place where senior ministry of culture officials from Korea and France share and discuss policy matters. We will use our experience and network to create a Korea-France forum that discusses the issues in French speaking countries."