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Ministry of Education, Science, Technology selects Sookmyung as Pilot Program University for Exchang

  • Views 1865
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2010-07-09

Sookmyung Women’s University has been selected as a pilot program university for exchange programs in which Korea, China, and Japan participate. It is expected that its students will be raised as future leaders of East Asia working for the bright future of the region via the program.

Sookmyung was selected as a participation of the pilot program together with Seoul National University(SNU) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST) through a contest held by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology. Sookmyung applied for the contest with Peiking University of China and Meiji University of Japan. Three of universities formed a consortium and suggested “East Asia Regional Research Program” of which purpose is first, to understand the three countries of Northeast Asia’s history, politics, society, and cultures, second, to share the future-oriented view of history, third, to raise future leaders through the outcomes of the research.

The Development and Cooperation International Affairs Department announced, “We planned the program to provide students of the three countries with an opportunity to be equipped with the ability to think broad for the Asian region by sharing the view of East Asian history, politics, society and cultures, and spread the attitude throughout the region. The program is going to start from the fall semester of this year and approximately two to three students could participate in the program.

Students are expected to have a good chance to strengthen their capabilities to become global leaders through exchanges with Northeast Asian History Foundation and top universities representing China and Japan respectively.

If the program is concretized into Joint degree or double degree programs later in the future, it seems that Sookmyung Women’s University becomes a leading figure among others in the East Asia education network system.