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Sookmyung Women’s University Receives the Minister of Education’s Commendation for 2020 Best University for Education and Welfare of the Students with Disabilities

  • Views 3413
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2021-05-27

Sookmyung Women’s University was awarded ‘Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Commendation’ in celebrating ‘the 41st Disability Day’ on April 20(Tuesday) for being selected as the best university in "Evaluation of Education Welfare for Disabled University Students of 2020."


‘Education Minister’s Commendation Ceremony and Best Institution Certification Signboard Hanging Ceremony’ was held on the day at the Center for Students with Disabilities. President Yunkeum Chang, vice president Hyuk-Seung Shin, and Yun Seon Song, the dean of Student Affairs, participated in the ceremony.

President Yunkeum Chang in the second from the left, vice president Hyuk-Seung Shin in the second from the right, dean of Student Affairs Yun Seon Song in the first from the left, and Min-Sun Chang, professor and supervisor of the disabled student club in the first from the right.


423 campuses from 343 universities in Korea participated in the evaluation of educational welfare for disabled college students in 2020, which was hosted by the Ministry of Education and organized by the National Institute of Special Education. Sookmyung Women’s University was selected as the best university from the evaluation, which is implemented on a three-year-basis, for the fourth time in a row since 2011. The university was awarded the commendation in recognition of its service for the contribution to the development of higher education and the improvement of conditions for students with disabilities.


The Center for Students with Disabilities has provided lecture scripts, subtitles, and remote shorthand so that students with disabilities could participate in classes conducted online to COVID-19 without difficulties and minimized learning difficulties through regular monitoring and counseling. In addition, using the video conference platform ‘Zoom’, various activities were conducted for students with disabilities to participate, such as ▲ meeting of handicapped students ▲ freshman orientation ▲ homecoming day event for commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Center for Students with Disabilities, and so on.


Sookmyung Women’s University was also selected as a point university of the Seoul area in the "2021 career and employment support project for disabled students" held by the Ministry of Education. The university is expected to be connect with other point universities in Seoul over the next three years and strengthen career and vocational placement education for students with disabilities.


Yun Seon Song, the dean of Student Affairs and the director of the Center for Students with Disabilities, said "We are planning to continue our activities to improve the educational environment of disabled students throughout the university. We will do our best for the happy lives of the disabled college students."