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Selected for “High School Education Contribution College Support Project” 14 years in a row

  • Views 2952
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2021-07-23

Sookmyung Women's University was selected for the “2021 High School Education Contribution College Support Project” by the Ministry of Education. With this, Sookmyung Women's University achieved the feat of being selected for the project for 14 consecutive years since 2008.



The 2021 High School Education Contribution College Support Project aims to improve the fairness and transparency of college admissions process to increase its reliability, and to create a high school education environment that is faithful to the curriculum by operating the admissions rationally. In this project, a total of 55.9 billion won is provided to 75 universities selected through interim evaluation and additional selection evaluation. Among them, Sookmyung Women's University will receive 914 million won.

Sookmyung Women's University, which is in its second year this year in the two-year project from 2020, was named as a “Continued Support University” through an interim evaluation conducted by the project management committee. Since the university was selected for the “Operation Support Project for Admissions Officer System” in 2008, the predecessor of this project, the school has been selected for the project for 14 consecutive years. The school has played a leading role in reinforcing the credibility of college admissions process as well as easing the burden of the test takers.

It has been analyzed that Sookmyung Women's University was again selected for its operation of beneficial programs such as online and offline career and major experiences, college admission guidance programs, etc. in connection with test takers, parents, and teachers even in the midst of the COVID-19 situation. There were efforts to strengthen career and college admissions competency and to bridge the gap in information on college admissions.

In addition, as part of the high school education contribution college support project, information and experiences on college admissions are provided in various ways, such as essay and interview mock screening, admission information webzine, and the website of the admissions office. In the future, Sookmyung Women's University plans to take the lead in supporting the substantialization of school education by utilizing ▲major experiences ▲teacher workshops ▲progress concert for parents, etc. In order to strengthen the credibility and transparency of college admissions process, activities such as improving the professionalism of admissions officers, follow-up service, and research on improving the admissions process will also be carried out.