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Held PRIME Center and PRIME Square Groundbreaking Ceremony

  • Views 3277
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-07-05

On June 12 (Tue), our university held the PRIME Center and PRIME Square Groundbreaking Ceremony in the square in front of The Second Foundation Campus’ Renaissance Plaza.


The ceremony was participated by over 100 people, including President Jungai Kang, Chairman and Academic Board Members of Sookmyung Educational Foundation, heads of organizations in Yongsan District, among others.



The PRIME Center, which is being built with the aid of the PRIME Project, is a state-of-the-art complex of many lecture halls housed in a three-story and two basement floor building with a 6,656.42㎡surface area. First to third floors of the PRIME Center are to include educational facilities such as state-of-the-art lecture rooms combining IoT (Internet of Things) technology, a PBL lecture room, and capstone design lecture room. The basement floor is to house student welfare services and amenities such as PC training room, fitness facility, global lounge, and lounge for students with disabilities. 



When it is completed in February next year, the new 10 or more mid to large lecture rooms are expected to significantly alleviate the overcrowding of the existing lecture halls and contribute to a high-quality educational environment. President Jungai Kang announced, “By maximizing the utilization of campus space through the construction of the PRIME Center, we will upgrade our educational and research environment to create a smart place of learning.”



Along with the PRIME Center, the PRIME Square which is to be established in the former Horseshoe Plaza is a large-scale hall with a surface area of 1,922.67㎡. The square will be utilized as a convention space for on/off campus events and as a place for various creative and cooperative activities for students such as capstone competitive exhibitions, hackathon competitions, job fairs, and art exhibitions. When the PRIME Center and PRIME Square are completed in February next year, College of Engineering’s partial research facilities, among others, are to be relocated and expanded.



Meanwhile, the demolition of existing facilities, which causes the most noise and vibration in terms of the construction process, is expected to continue through the end of June. The Head of Management & Information Technology Wu Seong-ho announced, “We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences to classes, researches, and other businesses caused by the construction,” and “We will make the utmost efforts to avoid any setbacks in the academic schedule such as temporarily suspending noise-causing construction during the final exams.”