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Sookmyung Women’s University selected for the KF Global e-School Phase 4 Project

  • Views 1783
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-11-12

Sookmyung Women’s University was selected for the “KF Global e-School Phase 4 Project” implemented by the Korea Foundation (KF). Sookmyung Women’s University has been selected for this project as a result of its efforts to propagate Korean Studies for 10 years since the pilot project in 2011.


The KF Global e-School aims to expand and deepen the Korean Studies and Korean language projects in order to meet the demand for Korean Studies courses in overseas universities that are rapidly increasing due to the Korean Wave fever. The project provides real-time video lectures related to Korea to overseas universities by utilizing cutting-edge IT technology along with a human connection network and academic credit network established between domestic and foreign universities. Overseas universities are equipped with the teaching infrastructure to receive classes, and the classes offered by Sookmyung Women’s University are opened as formal courses with credit recognition, and awarded to students.



Through this project, Sookmyung Women’s University has strengthened cooperation with domestic institutions and universities for the development of Korean studies and Korean language education, and has expanded exchange relations with sister universities. It has played a role in civil international exchange by establishing and strengthening cooperation networks between domestic and foreign universities. KF Global e-School Korean Studies classes have been in partnership with 17 schools in 11 countries since the pilot project in 2011, and 3,300 students have taken a total of 100 courses.


Selected for this phase 4 project, Sookmyung Women’s University will send 64 lectures to overseas universities (13 schools in 9 countries) based on the best faculty in the fields of Korean Studies and Korean language. Major countries that are to receive lectures include India, Brazil, Senegal, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Japan. To provide various classes to students from universities receiving lectures from each country, the existing 7 fields of Korean Studies (business economy, media/promotional advertising, law, history, political diplomacy, Korean language/culture) will be added with subjects related to IT/science and technology, and cultural tourism. In addition, Sookmyung Women’s University is planning to confirm and reflect the demand for Korean language education of overseas universities while conducting successful e-lectures based on Korean Studies.


Meanwhile, 10 universities, including Sookmyung Women’s University, such as Kyung Hee University, Korea University, Seoul National University, and Sungkyunkwan University were selected as the final universities selected for the KF Global e-School Phase 4 Project (real-time lecture) from 2021 to 2023. Due to the nature of the project, which selects universities based on 3-yearly applications, this project will be carried out from 2021 to 2023. In addition, with the selection as the KF Global e-School Korean Language Education Project in 2019 as well, Sookmyung Women’s University is the only university that is to operate these two projects at the same time.