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Sookmyung Women’s University’s TESOL Successfully Holds Korea TESOL-PAC International Conference

  • Views 2398
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2017-11-15

Our university successfully held the 25th KOTESOL International Conference jointly sponsored by Korea TESOL (KOTESOL) and Pan-Asian Consortium (PAC) at the Centennial Hall’s Samsung Convention Center from October 21 to 22.



This international conference that centered on the topic was attended by more than 1500 public figures in the field of English education. The event included about 250 academic lectures and promotional events related to English education and publication industries.

From our university’s TESOL, professors Eli Miller, Andrew Bailey, and Roger Fusselman gave special lectures on topics such as storytelling, pronunciation teaching methods, and classroom management, respectively. And through lectures from world-renown scholars in the field of English education, participants of diverse nationalities and experiences had the opportunity to exchange English education trends and the latest teaching methods.




In particular, by inviting AYF (Asian Youth Forum) that consist of students from 18 to 25 years of age from all over Asia, a workshop for developing global competence was conducted with students from SMU-TESOL(International TESOL Experts). The first session involved a project that had the participants of each group draw a tree representing their norms, values, beliefs, attitudes, ways of thinking, etc. and expressing aspects that are easily revealed and difficult to see in the areas of the roots and leaves.  In the second session, the participants wrote a script that presents diverse values and priorities according to each country and each group presented their skit (short role playing). AYF visitors expressed their impression of the workshop prepared by SMU-TESOL program as an opportunity to bring together diverse political and cultural aspects within the similar values of each Asian country.




Head Professor Yeum Kyungsook of TESOL open lecture said, “To future English teachers, development of ‘Global Competence’ is the most important assignment and it will serve to develop global citizenship for the students” and “Our university’s TESOL emphasizes building global competence of teachers through the mandatory course called ‘Cross-Cultural Competence.’” TESOL students had a fulfilling opportunity to personally integrate their education at SMU-TESOL with AYF visitors during the international conference.






Meanwhile, celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, our university’s TESOL has continuously held relevant events all year and successfully finished the 20th anniversary events with this international conference. TESOL plans to actively support career opportunities for the graduates through the job fair on November 10 and various networking programs. And after the admission presentation on November 25, it plans to recruit new students of SMU/YL TESOL for one week from December 4 to 11.