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Sookmyung Women’s University provides safety management at exam sites with quarantine supplies from the Yongsan-gu Office.

  • Views 2178
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-12-03

In order to manage safe entrance examination sites from COVID-19, Sookmyung Women’s University received quarantine supplies from the Yongsan-gu Office.


The Yongsan-gu Office provided quarantine supplies worth 40 million won to our school’s Admissions Office at the end of October based on the joint response agreement with Sookmyung Women’s University to overcome the infectious disease crisis in September.



In detail, the items included 20 stand-type heat detectors, 2,500 KF94 masks, 100 disinfectants, 3,000 latex gloves, 1,000 wet tissues, 1,000 face shields, and 100 non-contact thermometers.


In addition, as part of the public manpower support project, the Yongsan-gu Office has decided to pay the labor costs for the five students participating as quarantine assistants based on admission type.



The Admissions Office has been meticulously and safely managing the sites of practical exams for College of Music, College of Fine Arts, Department of Physical Education, and Department of Dance since the end of October, using supplies that were provided by the Yongsan-gu Office. Accordingly, it has been reported that there are zero COVID-19-related safety issues in the entrance examinations, which has been held for about three weeks so far.




Sookmyung Women’s University will continue to build the safest campus in the country by using the supplies provided by the Yongsan-gu Office not only for rolling and regular recruitment for the 2021 school year, but also for entrance examinations for the Graduate School, Graduate School of Professional Studies, and Graduate School of Education.