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The First SMU Local Government, Industry, and Academic EXPO

  • Views 974
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2023-12-05

Sookmyung Women's University successfully hosted the first "SMU Local Government, Industry, and Academic EXPO", a two-day event that began on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at the Snowflake Square of Changhak Campus.

The expo provided a platform to highlight the university's remarkable achievements in fostering industry-academic partnerships and curricula supported by key financial sponsors, including LINC3.0, the University Innovation Center, the New Industry Intellectual Property Convergence Talent Training Project Group, the Big Data Innovation Convergence Project Group, and the SW-Centered University Project Group. 

The event was packed with 40 booths, presenting an array of student capstone design course prototypes and startup MVPs (Minimum Viable Products), and over 2,000 visitors, from the campus and beyond, attended the event to witness the novel ideas presented by the students.

Out of a pool of 66 teams in the preliminary round, 20 teams were selected to compete in the Capstone Design Completion on the first day, and four teams were awarded the grand prize; △ LOOP, a virtuous cycle of energy harvesting service through daily exercise, △ eSOOKcalator, a barrier-free escalator, △ NewJeanSOOK, a mobile map service customized for walking and designed for people with disabilities, and △ Finger Snap, an AI service designed to analyze and explain service terms for people with dyslexia. 

During the Fly Startup Demoday on the event's second day, the Futy team was presented with the grand prize for their innovative customizable protein bar product designed specifically for vegetarian consumers. 

Kim Ji-yu, a 23-year-old student from the School of Computer Science, shared her impressions, stating, "I was impressed by the numerous innovative ideas that addressed everyday inconveniences, and I was intrigued by the variety of concepts aimed at aiding socially disadvantaged groups and preserving our environment." 

The event also provided a platform to introduce the university's industry-academic cooperation programs while showcasing the outstanding achievements made possible by its major financial sponsors. The side events featuring Sookmyung family companies, partners, local small businesses, and Seoul's social enterprises promoting and selling various products were warmly received by attendees as well.

Oh Joong-san, the dean of the Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, emphasized, "The SMU Local Government, Industry, and Academic EXPO is an opportunity to showcase and highlight the remarkable industry-academic achievements of Sookmyung Women's University through various government-funded projects." He further expressed his hope that the event could "serve as a platform for the university to engage not only with industry partners but also with local communities, especially as major government-funded projects transition into the Regional Innovation System & Education program (RISE)."