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Sookmyung’s Research & Business Development Foundation selected for the BRIDGE+ Project

  • Views 3132
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-06-08

Sookmyung Women’s University’s Research & Business Development Foundation has been selected for the “Beyond Research Innovation and Development for Good Enterprises (BRIDGE+) project (hereinafter referred to as the BRIDGE Project)” which was publicly offered by the National Research Foundation of Korea. With this selection, the Research & Business Development Foundation will receive 1 billion won in aids annually over the next 3 years, which is 3 billion won in total.


The BRIDGE Project aims to promote industry-university cooperation based on the humanities/scientific creative assets of universities such as patents, know-hows, and contents, to revitalize the social contribution of universities and build an entrepreneurial university model.



Sookmyung Women’s University’s Research & Business Development Foundation has been operating this project since 2018 as the only women’s university in Korea with the aim to expand the base of industry-university cooperation through convergence of humanities and science & engineering. The school has concluded 24 technology transfer contracts during this period and generated a total income of 1.3 billion won.


Sookmyung Women’s University serves as a hub for women's technology commercialization, focusing on specialized fields such as medicine & bio, design contents, culture & art management, and functional materials. Sookmyung Women’s University plans to continue to support detailed programs for our faculty members such as ▲ activation of technology transfer exchanges with industries, ▲ creative asset commercialization consulting, ▲ prototype production support, and ▲ faculty startup coaching.



The Dean of Research & Business Development Foundation, Won-sik Seol, commented on the project selection. “With the help of this project selection, we will present a ‘small giant’ commercialization model of over 200 small and medium universities nationwide with the aim of utilizing creative assets.” He also added that “We will develop and improve support programs so that any faculty members interested in industry-university cooperation and personal commercialization can easily knock on the door of industry-university cooperation without the boundaries of the department.”