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Sookmyung Women’s University holds 114th anniversary ceremony

  • Views 3487
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-06-08

On May 21, Sookmyung Women’s University held the “114th Sookmyung Anniversary Ceremony” at the Second Foundation Campus’ Snowflake Squre Hall.


The ceremony was conducted on a minimal scale in the sense of active participation in social distancing to prevent the spread of Coronavirus-19. People standing apart and events proceeding with people wearing masks created a peculiar atmosphere. 




President Jungai Kang started her commemorative message with “Although I am grateful and joyful to celebrate the 114th anniversary of Sookmyung Women’s University’s founding, my heart is heavy this year.” After explaining the university’s situation due to the changes following Coronavirus-19, she said, “In times like these, I believe we need to gather the wisdom and willingness that could turn a crisis into an opportunity by looking back to our successful and prevailing history. In celebration of our 114th anniversary, Sookmyung will have to further strive towards the future vision of the Renaissance Sookmyung Plus based on our strengths accumulated so far.”

President Kang said, “Although it is a difficult time, there have been a lot of good news in recent years,” and “We made great accomplishments such as the reselection for the BRIDGE+ project, 3-step university enterprise promotion project, and Humanities Korea Plus (HK+) project by the Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities.”

President Kang expressed her expectations by saying “The general election committee was launched in light of the upcoming 20th general election for the Sookmyung Women's University president. The election, which will be reinvented by democratic and reasonable procedures and consensus, will elect the 20th President through the participation of not only the faculty, but also students and alumni together for the first time in the history of Sookmyung. I believe this will be an important milestone for the Renaissance Sookmyung.”






The ceremony was also followed by the citation of this year's outstanding professor award, outstanding class evaluation faculty award, outstanding industry-university cooperation faculty award, outstanding lifelong guidance mentor award, employee of the year award, outstanding individual performance evaluation award, achievement award, Sookmyung collaboration performance award, work-diet best practice award, and 2020 finance UP campaign. In the category of outstanding student award, the Sookmyung Environmental Volunteer Group, which is Sookmyung Women’s University’s environmental volunteer club, took home the glory.