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Held the 2019 Comprehensive Online Undergraduate/Graduate Commencement Ceremony

  • Views 3033
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-09-11

On August 25th, Sookmyung Women’s University held the “Comprehensive Undergraduate/Graduate Commencement Ceremony for the 1st and 2nd Term of 2019” online. On this day, as the social distancing quarantine response system was upgraded to level 2, the small in-person event was canceled and replaced with online video to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.



As the graduation ceremony was postponed in February due to COVID-19, a total of 3,145 graduates (including the conferment of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees) received their degrees, which included 1,550 graduates from the first term and 753 graduates from the second term.

The video of the online commencement ceremony can be found on the Sookmyung Women’s University’s website and on the school's official YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/SookmyungUniv).


The online commencement video includes the history of Sookmyung's 114th anniversary, congratulatory remarks from Sookmyung alumni, message of encouragement for the graduates from President Jungai Kang, and interviews with the graduates. Alumni announcer Ye-won Jang (School of Communication & Media, class of ‘14), singer Lady Jane (School of Communication & Media, class of ‘20), and Managing Director of Cheil Worldwide Inc Won-hwa Jeong (Department of Library & Information Science, class of ‘94) delivered their congratulations and support through videos.


(From Left) Alumni Ye-won Jang, Lady Jane, and Won-hwa Jeong


Alumni Won-hwa Jeong gave sincere advice for graduates who will advance into wider society, such as “Don't ever be afraid,” “Make a lot of moments of small happiness in your life”, and “Go out into society and observe the people around you.”




Through her congratulatory remark, President Jungai Kang emphasized the pride of Sookmyung and the power of Sookmyung in the “new normal era” after COVID-19. President Kang explained to the graduates that we are living in a time when a new paradigm is unfolding right in front of our eyes and the new normal is rapidly settling as the normal. She said, “There are things that become even more valuable through change. One of them is the long and deep-rooted tradition and strength of Sookmyung.” She also added a word of encouragement and said, “As Korea's first national women's private school, Sookmyung has accumulated wisdom for the future in the long history of 114 years since its foundation, and the accumulated strength has been passed on to you. The wisdom to foresee and the courage to act will be valuable assets to you in a society with high uncertainty.” President Kang concluded the congratulatory speech by celebrating the graduates who are about to start anew, saying, “The future belongs to the dreamers.”




On the other hand, the graduates visited the campus separately, rented gowns, and took pictures in photo zones installed in various places to comfort their disappointment of the regular commencement being canceled on the account of COVID-19.