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University Museum holds the <Coexistence: The Discourse of Tradition and the Present> Exhibition

  • Views 2206
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-11-12



From October 13 (Tue) to November 13 (Fri), Sookmyung Women’s University is holding the <Coexistence: The Discourse of Tradition and the Present> Exhibition at the Sookmyung Women’s University Museum and Moon Shin Museum.


This exhibition is held on two themes: “Discourse of Tradition - Life/Origin” and “Discourse of the Present - Echoes of Strangers,” reinterpreting the meaning of “coexistence,” which is a widely known concept for a very long time, as a new message through traditional crafts and contemporary art. It aims to rediscover the meaning of coexistence that encompasses the traditional and the contemporary.




The <Traditional Discourse - Life/Origin> exhibit held at the Museum unravels various stories of many people who have lived over a long period through familiar objects and works, and focuses on their unwavering meaning. In the old days, the way people interact in everyday life was important. Respect between individuals was needed, and these traditional teachings are still permeated in our lives. The artifacts on display embody not only practicality, but also balanced forethought and aesthetics in everyday life.


○ Participating Artists and Works: Artifacts from Sookmyung Women's University Museum (total of 122 articles), Contemporary Sculptor by Moon Shin, Contemporary Clothier by Ye-ryeong Cho


<Exhibits Baek Dong Ja Do (One hundred children at play) Folding Screen, Saekdongjeogori (children’s jacket with colorful sleeves) during the Joseon Dynasty, etc.>


<Exhibits clothing used in Taoist ceremonies, Buddhist ritual tools, early Korean catholic rites, etc.>

<Exhibits desk and table, stationary folding screen, etc.>


The <Discourse of the Present - Echoes of Strangers> exhibit held at the Moon Shin Museum was redesigned under the theme “Echoes of Strangers,” the sound of reclaiming the estrangement between the area and the psychology of refugee artists floating like an island. The exhibition is a symbolic space that discovers the values of civilized personalities from another perspective. The work methods of refugee artists are just as desolate and trifling as the lives of refugees. Nevertheless, they continue their artistic work because to them, it is life itself. Their work is nothing less than a confirmation of their existence. The exhibition is participated by 10 artists including refugee artists, Korean artists, Korean artists living abroad, video project groups, among others.


○ Participating Artists: Na Hyun, Bereket Alemayehu, Song Ji Hyung, Aicha Nejmeddine, Woo Jung A, Lee Jooyoung, Cho Minsun, Thomas Ashamie, Project Rebel9, Aram Han


Thomas Ashamie et al.


Han Aram <Demonstration Banner>, <Official polling booth project for non-official voting>


Song Ji Hyung



In the meantime, the exhibition will be held as a part of the University Museum Promotion Support Project in 2020. It is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and organized by The Korean Association of University Museums.