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Our university holds expansion/relocation ceremony of IPP Center

  • Views 695
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-02-05

On January 20 (Wed) in Room 211 of the Administration Building, the expansion/relocation ceremony of the Institute of Career Development's IPP Center was held. The expansion/relocation of the IPP Center was promoted to increase accessibility by students and to connect the school and industrial scene in a more pleasant environment.



IPP (Industry Professional Practice) is a corporate-linked long-term on-site training system that implements full-time industrial on-site training in line with the school's academic semester, and our university has been selected as the only women's university to practice IPP-type combined working and learning system.


Since then, our school has installed the IPP Center at the Student Union Building and acquired 4 professors in industry and academic cooperation with the best experiences in each field. Through this, the center has been providing support for the students through activities such as invitation of corporations and on-site inspections. As a result, 152 students from 9 different majors acquired practical knowledge and skills at corporations during the 4~6 months in the second semester of 2015, and the expansion and relocation of the center is expected to provide more career and employment opportunities for more students.



This event was graced by President Sunhye Hwang and Director of Career Development Center Yoo Jong-suk, as well as, school personnel such as academic board members and academic-industrial cooperative professors. President Sunhye Hwang said, "the Sookmyung IPP Center will actively support simultaneous learning of work and school for students by effectively connecting studies at the university and employment, and it will become a stepping stone that will bridge our school and corporations."




Meanwhile, 30 or more students from 3 majors such as the Department of Multimedia Science, Department of Consumer Economics, and Department of Public Relations & Advertising are to participate in the combined working and learning program that will be fully promoted starting in 2016, whereas the program is to begin full operation in 2018 academic year when the students are in their third year for the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering that will be newly created.


The departments that are participating in the combined working and learning system have completed the development of the program in December which was begun in October, and the students will begin training through the new NCS-based curriculum starting from the first semester of this year. Currently, the IPP Center is recruiting program participants, and those who are interested can get recruitment schedule and other details by contacting the IPP Center (02-2077-7669).