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Professor Seong-wan Hong selected as a presenter at 2020 ISSCC!

  • Views 1184
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-01-28

Professor Seong-wan Hong of Sookmyung Women's University’s Department of Electronics Engineering was selected to present two papers at the International Solid-State Circuit Conference (ISSCC). The ISSCC is known as the “Olympics of Semiconductor Circuit Systems” where major semiconductor companies such as Samsung, SK Hynix, Intel, and TSMC show off advanced semiconductor technologies at this world-class academic conference held by the Solid-State Circuit Society.


ISSCC introduced the “ISSCC 2020,” the world's largest semiconductor circuit conference that is to be held at the San Francisco Marriott Hotel next February, at the Seoul Press Center on November 18. Since its inception in 1954, the conference boasts the highest authority in the world in terms of semiconductor integrated circuit system-related conferences. In particular, the selection as a paper presenter or a presenting company at the ISSCC is regarded as one of the highest achievements in the field.



Professor Seong-wan Hong is to present two papers, which are titled “A 13.56 MHz Current-Mode Wireless Power and Data Receiver with Efficient Power Extracting Controller and Energy Shift Keying Technique for Loosely Coupled Implantable Devices” and “A 1.46 mm2 Simultaneous Energy Transferring Single-Inductor Bipolar-Output (SETSIBO) Converter with a Flying Capacitor for Highly Efficient AMOLED Display in 0.5 μm CMOS.”


Among the universities in Korea, there are a total of five universities that will present their theses at the ISSCC 2020. Among them, Sookmyung Women's University is to present fourth highest number of papers with the selection of Professor Hong's two papers. In addition, among the only two researchers in the world who are to present their papers as sole authors at the ISSCC 2020, Professor Hong is the only presenter who will present two papers as the sole author. This is an extraordinary achievement at home and abroad, and it was the opportunity that drew attention to not only Professor Hong, but also Sookmyung Women's University’s Department of Electronics Engineering.


In light of the selection as a presenter, Professor Hong said, “The selection of my papers by ISSCC is my highest achievement in the field of semiconductor circuits. It is also a great honor for me to be selected for not just one but two papers. I will continue to do my best to become a leading researcher in the world of semiconductor circuits.”