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Ceremony and Presentation for the 2019-2nd Semester IPP Long-term Practical Learning

  • Views 2433
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-02-12

The Completion Ceremony and Performance Presentation for the 2019-2nd Semester IPP Long-term Practical Learning, hosted by the Human Resources Development Center, was held at Sookmyung Women’s University’s Han Sang-eun Lounge on January 30. The event was attended by more than 50 people, including President Jungai Kang, school officials, participating companies’ officials, and students participating in the program.


The completion ceremony was started with the opening message from the Dean of Career Development, followed by the congratulatory message by President Jungai Kang, report on the results of IPP long-term practical learning, award of the representative student certificate, award of the appreciation plaque for participating companies, award for excellent participants, and presentation of best practices.

President Jungai Kang said, “The greatest advantage of IPP long-term practical learning is that it is possible to experience both school and work life as a college student” and “I would like to express my appreciation for the students and company officials who sincerely participated in the program.”


The IPP long-term practical learning is a long-term university-industry collaboration system that allows some of the university's curricula to be completed at industry sites to provide hands-on experience to students during the few months. Sookmyung Women’s University has been conducting the program for 5 years since it was selected as a pilot university in 2015.

Last semester, 83 students from 22 majors were sent to 39 participating companies, gaining work experience in the front line of the companies. Among the participants, 8 students who have succeeded in finding employment and 5 students in particular who have been employed by the participating companies have greatly contributed to the increase in employment rate. On this day, appreciation plaques were awarded to 4 companies who have converted to full-time employment and awards were given to students with excellent IPP results. The award-winning students also presented their program experiences.

Since being selected as a pilot university in 2015, Sookmyung Women’s University has been recognized as an exemplary participant model by receiving an excellence award in the best practice contest in the IPP work-based learning and long-term practical learning category and by receiving an award for excellent operation by the project group on behalf of the university.



The officials of Career Development said, “There have been amazing advances over the past five years, such as hundreds of students participating as interns for more than 300 companies, gaining valuable experiences and succeeding in finding employment” and “We plan to expand university-industry internship programs and strengthen industry-linked education and practical internships to provide more talented people with hands-on opportunities.”