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Professor Jong-suk Yu wins the “2019 Korea Business Communication Awards”

  • Views 1669
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-01-28

Professor Jong-suk Yu of Sookmyung Women's University's Department of Public Relations & Advertising received the Achievement Award at the “2019 Korea Business Communication Awards” ceremony held at the Korea Press Center’s International Conference Hall on December 9.



The Korea Business Communications Awards, hosted by the Korea Business Communications Association, is an event to evaluate and celebrate the results of business communication during the year. It has become a place of active exchanges and communication for practitioners in the field of business-related communication.


This year, awards were presented in a total of 26 categories, including print and electronic newsletters. Professor Yu was recognized for the contribution to the development of business journalism and organizational communication as an advisory professor for the incorporated Korea Business Communications Association.


Professor Yu served as the 8th chairman of Korean Association of AD & PR and executive chairman of the 2012 Korea Advertising Awards. Currently, Professor Yu is providing services as the dean of the College of Social Sciences at our university.