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"PNU learns at Sookmyung" Our university conducts PNU leadership training

  • Views 933
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2015-04-03

Our university invited members of PNU from Monday, March 23 to Friday, March 27, for a PNU leadership training program including consulting on operation of various education administration services, such as student support, employment and business start-ups.



Twenty visitors, focusing on Ghada Mohamed Director of Office of Student Affairs at PNU, including professors and administration personnel, started their schedule with a welcoming event and experienced ten administration seminars and organization visits. The main subjects they benchmarked were autonomous student activation programs such as leadership group systems, disabled student support services, employment and business start-up programs, alumni management, and local visit programs. On the 24th, the visited Student Services, the Institute of Career Development, and the Sookmyung Start-Up Resource Center, to experience services for students. They also talked with leadership group representative students to discuss how they could apply what they saw to their university. Director Ghada said, “I am happy we were able to learn the excellent women’s leadership capacity Sookmyung Women’s University has accumulated over a long time, and look forward to PNU students coming here to experience global women’s leadership.”


PNU is named after the aunt of the Saudi Arabian King, Princess Nora, and was established by the palace in 1970 for higher education of Saudi Arabian women. Around 60,000 students are studying diverse majors, including language, education, the arts, science and medicine. Interest in social advancements of women grew after the Arab Spring revolution that started in the Middle East and North Africa, and the university is a royal education organization for elite women’s education. It seems like the university is referencing overseas universities and actively working on education innovation.


PNU visited Korea in 2013 and was impressed by our student services programs out of many different universities. This is when it closed a “Student Services Center Activation Method and Program Establishment” agreement with our university. Since December, last year, our university has sent Center for International Affairs members to Saudi Arabia to start cooperation. We have currently conducted 1:1 interviews with 500 PNU students for student services diagnosis, completed the first stage project consulting report, and are in the midst of program execution.


Vice President, Choi Dong-ju of the Office of External Affairs said, “Local personnel are getting help from prestigious international consulting companies that cost a lot, but what helps more than writing on documents is directly observing advanced education services,” and added, “This is why so many PNU members flew all the way to Korea to visit our university.”


We have conducted many student and research exchanges with overseas universities in the past, but this is the first time for conducting exchange to consult on the overall administration service. PNU is said to have pursued a cooperative relationship with our university in recognition of our education capacity, such as being the first Korean university to receive an ISO 9001 for education and academic services, ranking 3rd (2014) for NCSI in the private university sector, and our number one employment rate for women’s universities.


In June, a group of visitors from PNU, including leadership group students, student representatives and other students, will visit our university to benchmark the global visit program, and will pursue a second stage project to expand to consulting on the College of Fine Arts. Associate Dean Soo-kyung Seo of the International Cooperation Center said. “We will make efforts to become a role model for good civil exchange through close cooperation between elite women’s education organizations that represent the two countries.”