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‘Listen! Speak! Enjoy!’, Children’s English Camp co-organized by Tesol Smart and Yongsan District Office, successfully finished

  • Views 4114
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2019-10-01

The children's English camp, jointly organized by our university's Tesol Smart Team and the Yongsan District Office, was successfully finished on August 9th amid heated attention, with its online application closing in just two minutes.


A total of 55 elementary school students from Yongsan County participated in the Yongsan-Sookmyung English camp for two weeks from July 29. At the camp, science, art and language-linked programs were operated based on the theme of creativity and convergence.




On campus, the school provided an opportunity for children to naturally learn more vivid science in English by engaging in paper tile art, clay making activities and fossil making, which was taken place at Gwacheon Science Museum.


In Science & Art Fair, where children's reaction was the hottest, the activities and games of throwing beanbags, fishing, etc. provided an opportunity to learn English pleasantly and sensuously.


One of the children’s favorite classes was Physical Education, which enabled them to learn English in a safe and free environment. The class was put in place to balance out the class schedule based on the Sookmyung Smart’s Children’s Camp slogan, ‘Connect, Create, Communicate’.


At the Closing Ceremony, Yongsan County Mayor Jang-Hyun Sung awarded the Certificate of Completion to the participating children. Mayor Sung stated, “Due to the warm welcome that parents have given to the Children’s English Camp, there are plans to expand the project. Yongsan County and Sookmyung Women’s University will continue to provide support for the growth of global citizens and the improvement of children’s English ability during school breaks.”


Sookmyung TESOL’s Head Professor Kyungsook Yeum remarked, “There is great meaning in children participating and using language  actively in a natural English-focused environment.”