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The Research Institute of Asian Women conducts high school-university human resource program

  • Views 3711
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2019-10-18

Our university’s Research Institute of Asian Women (Director So Jin Park) successfully concluded the summer vacation program, “2019 Seoul High School-University Regional Human Resource Development Project,” for high school students in Yongsan-gu and Eunpyeong-gu.




With the launch of the academy for parents with students preparing for college admission last May, the Research Institute of Asian Women, together with more than 30 excellent instructors from our university and other universities, conducted lectures and hands-on programs in five areas of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, free inquiry, and careers & college admission at our university, Sacredheart Girls' High School in Yongsan-gu, Sunil Girls’ High School in Eunpyeong-gu, and Yale Girls’ High School from July 4 to August 2.


Detailed programs included “Reading portfolio with just one book,” “Democracy, politics, and women,” “Understanding media and critical reading,” “Climatic science and culture,” “Creative 3D printing exercise,” “Robotic science and culture,” “Consulting for self-directed learning,” “Mock interviews and college admission consulting,” “Visit to Sookmyung Women’s University Museum,” and more. A maximum of 25 students enrolled per program, and more than 200 students from each school participated and showed enthusiasm for their major and career experience.


The Research Institute of Asian Women plans to continue the high school-university regional human resource development program for high school students in the second semester in the efforts to narrow the educational gap between regions and create a win-win university for the community.