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Sookmyung’s General Education Research Institute (Head chief, Young-Mee Hwang), Selected as a Part of the Research Institute of Humanities and Society Sponsorship Program

  • Views 1435
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-01-02

Sookmyung’s General Education Research Institute (Director, Young-Mee Hwang) has been nominated as the Research Institute of Humanities and Society sponsorship program organized by the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea. The lead researcher of this program is professor Young-Mee Hwang from the Division of General Education and also the director of Sookmyung’s General Education Research Institute, and professor Ja-Hwang Koo, Kyeong-A Kim, Jeong-Hyuk Seo, Hee-Sun Shin, Hee-Jeong Yoon, Sae-Kwon Jeong also took part in the research as co-researchers.


On September 10th, the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea announced the newly selected results of the ‘2019 Research Institutes of Humanities and Social Sponsorship Program’. The Ministry of Education’s new selections for the ‘2019 Research Institutes of Humanities and Social Sponsorship Program’ are classifies into four types, which are ‘Strategic Regional Research Type’, ‘Fundamental Studies Research Type’, ‘Problem Solving Type’, and ‘Education Association Type’. And out of the four criterions, Sookmyung’s General Education Research Institute has been selected as the ‘Education Association Type’. Moreover, the selected research institute will be receiving an average of 200 million won per year for a maximum of 6 years (3+3 years) which in total is approximately around 1.2 billion won as research fund.

Youngmee Hwang, the successful achiever of this proud outcome as well as the director of General Education Research Institute is currently working as a novelist and even as a film critic in Segye Ilbo’s ‘Youngmee Hwang’s
영화산책.’ Professor Hwang is also endeavoring to improve the quality of education in the Division of General Education at Sookmyung Women’s University.

Head manager Hwang asserted that with the support of the sponsor program for Research Institutes of Humanities and Society, she is looking forward to develop and improve the extracurricular programs and to construct online platforms of Sookmyung Women's University, and also contributing to strengthening the sociocultural capacity by taking part in K-MOOC. Hwang also added that Sookmyung Women’s University has set its first step as the leader of general education through the support program.