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The first woman commander of the United States Army in Korea holds special lecture for our ROTC

  • Views 1223
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2014-05-09

On Wednesday the 8th, Rear Admiral Lisa Franchetti spoke to ROTC candidates on the topic of 'Leadership and Life Balance' at the Shinhan Bank Hall in the 100th Anniversary Building of our university. She discussed life as a woman soldier, leadership, and how to create a harmony of work and family life.


Rear Admiral Franchetti used to be a Naval ROTC, and since she was appointed as a commander in Korea, she has said before that she wanted to meet with Korean female college students who want to join the military. The lecture at our university was her first meeting with female college students.



Through the lecture, she said that in order to become a leader you need to create a human network, have many older mentors, and continuously develop experience based on self-examination. She said, "Nothing can interfere with your goal," and added, "Envision yourself after you succeed and work hard to reach that vision."


She also said, "You will become somebody's role model some day, too. That is why you must be responsible and always stay true to your word." She introduced her five leadership philosophies as the first female USFK commander - integrity, management of personal connections, teamwork, a positive attitude, and being prepared.


The second half of the lecture was about how to create a harmony of work and personal life in order to become a female military leader. She said, "I drew three circles of 'family and friends,' 'work and education,' and 'health,' and made an effort to make the circles the same size everyday." She added, "Realistically, you cannot be equally good at all three, but it is important to maintain a balance of the three circles. Above all, my husband and daughter fully support me, and I talk as much as I can with them, and always remind them how much I love them and that I am always with them. These efforts help them understand and respect my choice, and they willingly become my biggest advisers."



She said that she faced many problems and difficulties not long after she entered the ROTC, and told the candidates, "The ROTC is a very good opportunity to develop leadership. You learn high level leadership that considers whether your decisions will work and whether you can move people," and advised, "You should not look outside the box from within, but have the power to move the people inside the box. Expand your mind through diverse knowledge and experiences, and always think about how you will contribute to the military."


A Sookmyung Women's University ROTC personnel said, "This lecture was a significant one as it was the first meeting between the first female ROTC and the first female commander of the USFK. It was a good opportunity to present a good vision for women soldiers."



Rear Admiral Franchetti, who was appointed in September, last year, majored in journalism at the prestigious Northwestern University in the United States, and was commissioned through the NROTC. She was a Combat Systems Officer and Chief Staff Officer for Destroyer Squadron 2 in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic, and served the Pacific Partnership and Joint Staff, establishing both field and policy experience. Her decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal and Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal. Her post in Korea is known to have been voluntary.