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“Department of Consumer Economics - RIAW” selected for the 2019 Global Education Support Project

  • Views 2607
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2019-04-11

Our university’s Department of Consumer Economics and the International ODA Team of the Research Institute of Asian Women (RIAW) made the final selection of the “2019 Global Education Support Project (Research Director: Department of Consumer Economics Professor Gyeong-yeong Ok),” which is sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea.

The Global Education Support Project is one of the international education cooperation projects that are actively supported by the Korean government. The project promotes educational development and cooperative activities in developing countries with the aim to realize sustainable development in Asian and African countries and achieve UN’s goals toward sustainability. For this purpose, it is divided into 1) the demand survey, which is to verify the localized educational ODA in consideration of demands specific to each region, and 2) the educational cooperation project.


Our university’s Department of Consumer Economics was selected for the project through the application in the demand survey category based on the theme of “A Survey on the Demand for Consumer Economics Education Environment toward Fostering Sustainable Consumer Citizenship in Vietnam.” This project can be viewed as a preliminary project in preparation for the “2020 International Cooperation Leading University Support Project.” Accordingly, our selection for the demand survey is to become the springboard to our full-fledged promotion of educational cooperation projects.


For the upcoming demand survey, the Research Institute of Asian Women(RIAW) is to become the link between our university and key universities in Vietnam. In addition, the Research Institute of Asian Women(RIAW) plans to actively play the role of promoting research and educational cooperation between our university’s specialized and superb resources and key research/educational institutions and universities overseas.


Department of Consumer Economics Professor Gyeong-yeong Ok said, “We hope the upcoming demand survey we are to conduct this year can become a successful springboard for our opportunity in the next year’s ‘2020 International Cooperation Leading University Promotion Support Project’ and also contribute to our university’s internationalization and international competencies.”