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Art collection of Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs open to the public for the first time

  • Views 2007
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2013-10-17

At this exhibition which was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Korea - Canada diplomatic relation, visitors were able to see around 30 artworks of paintings, ceramics, photographs, among others that combine Canada's natural beauty and culture/art of indigenous people with modernism. Because the artworks are the collection of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that are being exhibited in the Canadian embassy and have never been open to the public, the experience was that much more unique and special.

Canadian contemporary art has moved up alongside with international exchange and at the same time is clearly showing the national identity, and it is modernizing Canada's beauty and grandeur of nature and ritual features of the indigenous people through abstraction. The title of the exhibition 'Colours of Canada' refers to many colors of Canada that has many ethnicity and cultures.

Along with the exhibition, artworks by Korean-Canadian artists were also held. Artworks by Jinny Yu, professor at the University of Ottawa, who won the Junior Artist Award in Ottawa and made it to the finalist at the New York Pulse Award in 2011, as well as artworks by Choi Yeong-man who is a promising artist in Korea and Canada was shown at the Sookmyung Women's University Cheongpa Gallery I and II from September 5 to 23.

Sookmyung Women's University Museum said, "We hope this exhibition can represent the current Canadian art and at the same time provide an opportunity to see artworks that portray Canada's unique artistic, cultural, and historic characteristics. Furthermore, we expect the exhibition to play a role in advancing the partner relationship celebrating 50 years of Korea - Canada diplomatic relations into an artistic and humanistic discourse."

주요 작품 이미지





Greg Payce

Wane | 82×280cm | 2002


Matiusi Lyaituk

Whistlling Mother with Child | 58×46×33cm | 2001


Laura Millard

Etched | oil on photograph mounted to Dibond Print | 73.8×99.1cm | 2006


Michael Harrington

Swim | 104.9×155.7cm | 2007


Judith Currelly

White Bear | 120×101.8cm | 1991


지니유(Jinny Yu), 최영만(Young-man Choi) 주요 작품 이미지





Tiepolo Project(detail) | oil on aluminum | 64.5"×528” | 2013

Photo: Steve Farmer


LOT: Heliport Chronography | C-print on paper | 180×182cm | 2012