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‘Sookmyung’s 111th anniversary of foundation, brightening the future with bright light’ 『For the Wonderful Sookmyung』 held

  • Views 2110
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-01-03

Sookmyung Women’s University opened 『For the Wonderful Sookmyung』 to celebrate the 111th year of establishment at the Grand Hayatt Seoul on November 1st, Wednesday. Individuals, who have practiced noblesse oblige and have supported both materially and morally for Sookmyung, were invited. The advisers of Renaissance Sookmyung, mentor professors and directors of Sookmyung Academy and the Sookmyung Culture Foundation attended.


In addition, former President Lee Kyung-sook (Chairman of the Asan Sharing Foundation), former President Hwang Sun-hye, former National Assembly member Ryu Ji-young (former Chairman of the General Assembly), as well as other members of the school, including the members of the school council, 150 people attended the seminar altogether.


In the first part of the Renaissance Opening session, there was a screening of Sookmyung's public relations video, followed by the greetings of Lee Seung-han, president of Sookmyung Academy, President Kang Jeong-ae and the General Secretary Jung Soon-ok. President Kang stated, “In the past 111 years, as Sookmyung's women education has become the light illuminating the future of the nation and deep faith, love, and generous support for Sookmyung will lead the future to the new Republic of Korea.” She also claimed, “All of your great interest and support are the greatest encouragement in achieving the Renaissance Sookmyung.”





In the announcement of the Renaissance Sookmyung Vision, Director of planning Oh Joong-san presented the background for proclaiming 'Renaissance Sookmyung', the details of the students they are seeking for, core ability, specialization strategy and Sookmyung development strategy. He introduced 55 specific tasks and appealed to the urgent need to raise funds to promote them. He raised sympathy by emphasizing that it is important to raise funds for Sookmyung’s Development Fund more than winning a financial aid project and do our best to secure tuition and funding. After completing a special performance at the last stage of the first part of the program, the soprano Seonghwa Alumni (graduate of Vocals 87), who was the first to make school heritage donations, announced that she would donate an extra 100 million won, saying, "I am glad and honored to contribute to the development of the school.”





Following the dinner, the second part of Thanks Concert was led by the broadcaster Lee Ik-sun (graduate of Child Welfare 91). A talk concert where participants encouraged and cheered the development of Sookmyung amidst a ceremony by pianist Kim Ye-ji alumni (graduate of instrumental music 04) and actor Moon Hee-kyung alumni (graduate of French 89). In the interview, Lee Seung-han, former President Lee Kyung-sook, former President Hwang Seon-hye and former President Ryu Ji-young showed their generous affection for Sookmyung's development. Jung Young-ja (Ph.D., 65, Chong-O, CEO) who was the first to promise to donate 1 million won and many other alumni and figures in and out of school joined in the fund raising to achieve the vision of a successful Renaissance Sookmyung.



Following the interview, Lee Ik-sun recited the letters of the students and stated how the students of Sookmyung are making efforts to grow as a talented female and that the support and sincerity given is a great motivation for the students. After the letter recitation, the students who attended the ceremony celebrated the finale of the event by handing flowers to every honored guest and came up to the stage to express the gratitude of love for Sookmyung with a beautiful melody.





The Sookmyung Development Fund raised at the event, added up to a total of 1 billion won. Also, after the event, Sookmyung Development Fund inquiries from alumni and people in and out of school who are fond of Renaissance Sookmyung are continuing. The External Collaboration Development and Cooperation Team stated "as our university originated in pioneer’s insight that look to the future through women’s education, the support of people in and out of school who wish for Sookmyung Renaissance will provide the opportunity to the school development.”


Translation by Sookmyung Interpretation Volunteers