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Sookmyung wins the litigation on the imposition disposition cancellation of school lot compensation

  • Views 3095
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-07-05

Our university finally closed the win on the suit for imposition disposition cancellation of Cheongpa-dong Campus compensation which has been continuing on for the past 6 years against the Korea Asset Management Corporation. It was a reaffirmation on the justification and historical legitimacy concerning the use of Cheongpa-dong Campus grounds which has been granted by the Imperial Family of the Korean Empire.


At the second judgment by the Supreme Court on June 28, our university was confirmed in favor of the original trial, which was ruled in favor of our school, at the trial on the appeal for the imposition disposition cancellation of compensation filed against the Korea Asset Management Corporation. The Supreme Court ruled that “Since the incorporated school Sookmyung Educational Foundation has been established based on the Former Imperial Family’s acts of contribution which pursued the establishment of the school, has been operating in line with the purpose of the establishment since the construction on the land, and the Imperial Family has not acted in objection or showed such intentions,” and “Because the Imperial Family succeeded the agreement made with Sookmyung Women’s University as it stands when the state acquired the relevant land in accordance with the Former Imperial Family Property Act, the agreement to use the land is still effective”


[State-owned land targeted for Sookmyung Women’s University suit]


The land which became the target of this suit accounts for about 1/4 of the entire campus grounds with an approximate surface area of 20,000㎡, including the Old Auditorium location of our university’s First Campus and parts of the Queen Sunheon Building. At the time when the forerunner of Sookmyung Women’s University, Sookmyung Women's Junior College, was being founded in 1938, we received the approval to use the land as a school ground free of cost from Minister Lee Wang-jik, and even after the liberation, we have been acknowledged for use of the land free of cost by the Former Imperial Family Property Administration Office and the Office of Cultural Properties. In particular, the compensation lawsuit filed by the Yongsan District in 1992 for Sookmyung Educational Foundation’s occupation of state-owned land without permission also ended in favor of our university.


[Description in Clockwise Dir_ Loan Cost: Free, Purpose: School Ground, School Name, Seal of Minister Lee Wang-jik]

[Approval document for free land use received in 1937]

Despite this fact, however, the Korea Asset Management Corporation imposed a 7.38 billion won in compensation for our university’s occupation of state-owned land without permission for the same reason in May 2012. It was based on the logic that because the ownership of the relevant land was transferred from the Former Imperial Family to the government when the land was incorporated as a state-owned land after the independence, the agreement for free use of the land entered with the Imperial Family was void. Our university filed an administrative litigation to the Seoul Administrative Court immediately after the imposition of the compensation and won the first and second trials in 2014, and after 4 years on this date, our university finalized the 6-year legal battle through the final confirmation in favor of the original trial by the Supreme Court.


Our university plans to newly design the campus master plan of the land which has been postponed by the litigation toward construction of infrastructure required for fostering talents with creative and convergence competencies required for the 4th industrial revolution as well as improving the educational environment and welfare conditions for the students.  President Jungai Kang announced, “This decision by the judicial branch is a just judgment that will brighten the future of Korea and its people,” and “We will continue to devote ourselves in the obligations and responsibilities as a women’s higher education institution of Korea.”