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Opened the “FOR;REST Cheongpa Festival” enjoyed by all Sookmyungians

  • Views 3635
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2019-06-14

Our univeristy’s Cheongpa Festival was held for two days from May 30 to 31. This festival was planned with the aim to provide rest for the Sookmyung Women's University students who are exhausted from studying and employment preparations.

Opened the “FOR;REST Cheongpa Festival” enjoyed by all Sookmyungians

Opened the “FOR;REST Cheongpa Festival” enjoyed by all Sookmyungians

Based on the theme of “Moonlit Forest of Cheongpa,” the festival was titled the “FOR;REST.” In line with the goal to provide rest, the visitors were able to experience many special booths and events. First, the student body installed an airbed in the circular theater, a photo-zone with camping atmosphere, and a forestaurant for enjoying snacks. Each college, department, and club conducted special booths and events in their own way, and the staff contributed to the festivities and seamless progress in their green t-shirts.

Opened the “FOR;REST Cheongpa Festival” enjoyed by all Sookmyungians

While the clubs participating in the festival sold relevant goods and snacks, the “Sookmyung Knowledge Volunteers” in particular said they plan to use the proceeds from selling snacks and beverages to improve the educational conditions of underprivileged children. The game club “High Score” prepared a page puzzle game that can be enjoyed online with Sookmyungians and enabled many fellow students to have a fun time.

On the first of the Cheongpa Festival on May 30, performances were given in the order of Yedo from “Sookmyung ROTC,” “Sookmyung Choir,” Sookmyung’s main taekwondo club “Seolhwayeon,” main acoustic performance club “Code Blue,” main band club “Destiny,” Sookmyung’s cheerleaders “NiViS.” The great performances and big responses from the students quickly heated up the atmosphere. With the final performance by Singer Heize, the cheers from the crowd reach the climax, and with this ending performance, the exciting first day of the Cheongpa Festival came to a close.

Opened the “FOR;REST Cheongpa Festival” enjoyed by all Sookmyungians

The second day of the Cheongpa Festival on May 31 kicked off with a traditional performance by “Sook-Pung” followed by the Department of Clothing & Textiles’ fashion show called “Clotho,” and performances by main musical club “Seol-lem,” main hip-hop club “BSL,” and main dance club “MAX.” Various performances that captivated the eyes and the ears of the passer-by allowed the fellow students to fully enjoy the moment away from their busy school lives. As the performance by Singer Younha and Rapper Sleeq turned up the volume of the festival’s final moments, the 2019 Cheongpa Festival unfortunately came to an end.

Opened the “FOR;REST Cheongpa Festival” enjoyed by all Sookmyungians

Opened the “FOR;REST Cheongpa Festival” enjoyed by all Sookmyungians

This Cheongpa Festival was all the more meaningful because it was inspired to embrace the minorities. The 51st student body’s social solidarity team produced and distributed human rights guides and card news. In addition, in order for fellow disabled students to enjoy the festivities together, the staff made sure to not cover any Braille, not use unnecessary support strings, produce menus and promotional materials in text, and provide sign language interpretation.

Student Han-bi Ryu (Department of Family & Resource Management, ‘19) expressed her experience by saying “It was great to see so many events that can provide a moment of relaxation during our busy lives such as the airbed and the slow mailbox.  They were great ideas in line with the purpose of this Cheongpa Festival called ‘FOR;REST’ and it was fully enjoyable.”