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Our Technology Holdings Subsidiary Company wins the Korea-China Economic Cooperation Award

  • Views 2934
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2019-07-24

Our university’s Technology Holdings Subsidiary Company No. 1, the Color Project, won the Korea-China Economic Cooperation Award at the “2019 6th Korea-China Management Awards,” which was co-hosted by the Korea Branch of People’s Daily Online and Korea Marketing Association.

The Korea-China Management Awards, which is celebrating its 6th anniversary this year, is aimed at awarding individuals and enterprises that are making innovative efforts toward the bilateral economic advancement of Korea and China. At the awards ceremony which was held at the Korea Press Center on June 25, the Color Project took the honor of the award by making extraordinary achievements in the field of Chinese language studies.


Our Technology Holdings Subsidiary Company wins the Korea-China Economic Cooperation Award


The Color Project is the first subsidiary company of Sookmyung Women's University Technology Holdings Inc. It is providing Chinese education services that utilize the self-developed method of notating intonation in color under the brand name of “Five Color Chinese,” and has recently launched a Chinese language education service app and teaching materials.

There have been active industry-academic researches and developments with our university based on the technology transfer agreement with Department of Information Technology Engineering Professor Sun-beom Lim, the Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center Emeritus Professor Eun-ryeong Lee, and others. In addition, the subsidiary company is leading the cooperation with the local community as well such as operating Chinese language lectures for merchants in the Yongmun Market through the collaboration with the Campus Town Project Group.