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Professor Yeong Yang's research team selected for the “Top 100 National R&D Achievements in 2019”

  • Views 912
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2020-01-28

The research results of Professor Yeong Yang’s research team from Sookmyung Women's University's Department of Biological Sciences, which was grounded on the “Identification of hypertension-inducing protein CTRP1’s function/new hypertension biomarkers, and new blood pressure regulators,” was selected for the “Top 100 National R&D Achievements” in the pure basics and infrastructure category by the Ministry of Science and ICT.


The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) along with the Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) selected and announced the “Top 100 National R&D Achievements of 2019.” Targeting 949 candidates recommended by each ministry, department, or office among more than 63,000 projects (based on 2018) performed with government support, the Top 100 Achievements for 2019 were finally selected through an open public verification process after the qualitative excellence was evaluated by the evaluation committee comprising of experts in the fields of industry, academia, and research.



The technical field was divided into 21 areas in machines and materials, 23 areas in life and ocean, 17 areas in energy and environment, 19 areas in information and electronics, 10 areas in convergence, 10 areas in pure basics and infrastructure. Among these, Professor Yeong Yang’s research team was selected for one of the 10 excellent achievements in the pure basics and infrastructure category. The achievement selected as the Top 100 Achievements will be awarded the Minister of MSIT certificate and signboard, including additional points for projects and agency evaluations, etc. according to the relevant point awarding system.

In addition, the selected researcher can be recommended as a candidate for national R&D performance evaluation award (medal/badge, presidential citation, prime minister citation, etc.), and can receive benefits such as preferential treatment in selecting new R&D projects.