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The 2nd ROTC ‘Cheongpa Festival’ On November 6th

  • Views 1610
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-11-30

This day was prepared to report the result of a year and to boost morale of students along with the power of unity. And about 150 visitors, ROTC members and alumni attended in total.



This event which started at 6pm began with the congratulatory messages from the cadet, the President Sun Hye Hwang and the president of National Federation Byeong gwon Lee.



After dinner, it was time for a talent show. Two students played a role as DJ and ROTC members danced to the music of popular Korean idols such as Girl's generation, Orange Caramel and so on.



Park gi-eun, the cadet who prepared this event said, "Cheongpa Festival provided an opportunity to look back past whole year like a 'year review'. Since we are the very first women ROTC members, we are trying to be more independent with our utmost energy than ROTC members from other schools."



On this day, 30 guests came and participated including President Hwang, Hong Gyu-deok, the head of a department of Defence Reform Office, and Lee Byeong gwon, the president of National Federation.