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Sookmyung ROTC Program is in the focus of attention of foreign media

  • Views 1711
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2011-03-28

The ROTC Program of Sookmyung Women''''s University was reported by major news organizations of the world.

The British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC), the United Kingdom''''s official media, gave major coverage to the strengthened security situation in Korea due to the Bombardment of Yeongpyeong and the meaning of establishment of the ROTC program at Sookmyung Womne''''s University in the middle of the situation on Dec 17th. BBC introduced Sookmyung cadet candidates as the first female students in South Korea to be allowed on to their college''''s officer training program, and they focused on the fact that the cadet candidates signed up for the military service voluntarily as no one pressed women into the military in Korea. BBC interviewed Cadet Candidate Hyunjin Jin and she said, "as a woman, and now as a member of the military, I feel I need to be a lot more vigilant."

NHK of Japan also reported the launching ceremony under the title "Military Officer Training System for Woman College Students." NHK gave a report on the meaning of establishment of an additional ROTC unit amid tension increased on the Korean peninsula and cadet candidates'''' resolve and determination as the first female ROTC trainees.

About 100 news reporters from local and foreign news organizations such as BBC, NHK, Reuters, AFP, Nihon Geijai and so forth competitively covered the news at the ceremony on Dec 10th.