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Sookmyung students tutor children in multicultural families

  • Views 1828
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2012-01-04

On Wednesday, October 24 Sookmyung Women’s University students and elementary students participating in the University’s student tutoring program visited the university museum during their vacation. The university student tutoring program has been growing in popularity under the supervision of The Research Institute of Asian Women at the University and Yongsan-gu Office.

The museum visit was part of the ‘University student tutoring program for supporting children’s education in multicultural families.’ Following the museum tour, Sookmyung University tutors and elementary school students participated in a fan-making activity and shared their impressions of the day.

Lee Woo-rim, a tutor and student of English Language and Literature 11 said, “I’ve been interested in multicultural society since my high school days. I feel rewarded by taking part in this program.” Miss Lee further added, “I hope this tour of museum will be very helpful for the students to see and feel with their own eyes what we couldn’t explain with our words.”

Lee Ji-min, a student of Culture and Tourism 06 and a member of Sookmyung Cultural Volunteers who helped with the program progress said, “Korean history is a relatively unfamiliar subject for children of multicultural families. I hope this educational visit to the museum made it easier for them to grasp.”

The university tutoring program is run under the supervision of The Research Institute of Asian Women supported by the Women’s Development Fund from the Yongsan-gu Office. Its first class was recruited last year and received such a positive response from elementary school home room teachers, Sookmyung students and elementary school students that a second class was organized. This year over forty Sookmyung University tutors and over fifty elementary students in Yongsan-gu were selected from a high 3:1 competition rate. The tutors work with tutees for two hours each week, and also act as Korean class teaching assistants in the elementary schools as part of a separate initiative.

Sun Go, a researcher at The Research Institute of Asian Women said, “I planned the tutoring program with a view to university students supporting the education of children in multicultural families…I could sense the students’ deep interest in multicultural society in seeing over 130 Sookmyung students apply for this program,” He further added, “I hope the good activities will carry on this year and that the program will continue.”