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Sookmyung Women’s University Mathematics Department Hosts a Math Conference with the Ritsumei University of Japan.

  • Views 2628
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-10-31

The 1st Ritsumei-Sookmyung math conference, co-hosted by Sookmyung Women’s University Mathematics Department and Ritsumei University Mathematics Department took place at Sookmyung’s Social Education Building from August 31st to September 1st.

The conference was held to introduce the ongoing researches in the field of pure mathematics and applied mathematics done by professors from both universities. Its other purpose was to promote exchange between students from two different schools. Kim Young Won, Sookmyung’s dean of the College of Natural Sciences participated in the event with the Dean of the Mathematics Department, Shin YongHyun, and many other professors. Undergraduates and graduate students of the Mathematics Department also took part in the event. Jiro Akahori, Ritsumei’s dean of Mathematics Department came to attend the conference along with four other professors and nine students.

In the conference constituted of five sessions, professors from Sookmyung and Ritsumei took turns in explaining their research in easy terms on the subjects of Applied Probability Theory & Financial Mathematics, Differential Geometry & Partial Differential Equation and Algebraic Geometry/Number Theory & Code Theory. Although difficulty in communication made students from both universities feel awkward with each other, they started to share academic interests with one another through meals and break times.

Dean Shin Yong Hyun stated, “Graduate students put a lot of time and effort into preparing for presenting in the conference. Undergraduate students felt great pride after listening to the graduate students’ fluent English presentations and said that it gave them motivation to study in Japan and apply for graduate school there”.

Ritsumei University, one of four prestigious private schools in the Kansai district in Japan, has 19 professors in the Department of Mathematical Science. Having both outstanding research achievements in pure and applied mathematics, professors are expanding their research fields by holding joint conferences with renowned international universities. The Ritsumei-Sookmyung conference was a result of a joint project between Dean Jiro Akahori whose major is Financial Mathematics and Dean Shin Yong Hyun.

Dean Shin Yong Hyun mentioned that with the success of the conference held in Sookmyung, he plans to further continue the relationship between the universities by holding a second conference in Ritsumei University next year.