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Dream of a Kenyan Girl Has Come True

  • Views 1744
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2011-06-20

Filis Wanggechi from Kenya was accepted into our university through Key Global Talent’s special admission. To Filis Wangechi, Sookmyung is special and thankful since it has made her dream come true. For Filis Wangechi, who has hardly completed high school education after repeated school attendance and leave of absence in difficulties coming up with the tuition, the special admission of Key Global Talent is one-in-a-million chance. President Young Sil Han personally invited Filis Wangechi to the present’s reception room on March 29 last and encouraged her.

At the meeting, president Han committed to give full material and emotional support to Filis Wanggechi for her to set her mind at ease for learning and requested her to work hard to grow up as a woman leader in Africa. As president Han presented with souvenir of our university in encouragement, she looked shy and took out coffee beans from her bag and said thanks to president.

Currently, there are total eight students studying in our university from Africa including graduates. The number of students from Africa will increase with increasing exchange with Africa.

International exchange team said: “Year 2011 will be the first year for our university to increase exchange and cooperation with Asian and African countries.” “In the last half of the year, SMU will strengthen global activities through increased exchange with the countries with enormous potential for development such as by holding Asian-African women conference.”