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“Outstanding” result in the 「Career Development Center」 project for 2 years in a row

  • Views 2596
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-04-06

Our university’s Career Development Center of the Career Development Office was selected as an “Outstanding” university in the 2017 Career Development Center operation performance evaluation by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

With this, our university has been selected as an outstanding university for 2 consecutive years from 2016 ~ 2017 since being selected for the pilot project at the end of 2015. Career Development Center is a project that is supported by the Ministry of Employment and Labor in order to provide comprehensive employment support services through universities by strengthening career guidance based on career paths per major starting from lower year students.



Following this evaluation, our university is to receive stable working expenses of around 600 million won for the next 3 years, which will enable quality services that cover career, employment, and entrepreneurship for our students and young people in the community.

In the meantime, our university’s Career Development Center was selected as the “2017 Leading University in the Field of Career and Employment Support” supervised by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and as an Outstanding Youth Dream College in the Youth Dream College Evaluation jointly supervised by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and Dong-A Ilbo. In addition, it received the Minister of Employment and Labor Award in the Youth Dream College of Best Practice in December, which is the highest accolade in the field of career guidance.



The officials of the Office of Employment Support said, “We were once again able to establish our supremacy as an outstanding employment-related institution through the Career Development Center Project and we will contribute to the alleviation of employment issues for young people by providing jobs and relevant services that are comprehensive and diverse.”