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Our university to foster women IT experts hand in hand with Amazon

  • Views 2170
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-06-18

Our university is to start the “Women in Tech” program for fostering women IT experts through partnership with the world’s number 1 corporation in the field of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (hereinafter “AWS”).


“Women in Tech” is a program which provides support for acquiring expert knowledge, reinforcing competence, obtaining relevant certification with regards to cloud computing, which is a core technology for the 4th industrial revolution. It is expected to increase employment opportunities for students in a field which promises more and more social demands as well as largely contributing to the expansion of women IT human resources in Korea.


Through this partnership, AWS is to provide “AWS Educate” and “AWS Academy” for our university at free of charge. AWS Educate is an educational program used by more than 1,500 colleges around the world, including Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell University, etc., which provides professional education for fostering next generation IT cloud experts.


Our school plans to support cloud education curriculum to the teaching staff and non-major students through the AWS Educate program. In addition, through the AWS Academy program, our school is to reinforce cloud-related curriculums for computer science majors and provide practical on-the-job education related to AWS.


Furthermore, all of our university’s teaching staff and students will be able to use AWS Cloud Service via AWS Educate at free of charge. There are plans to boost our students’ cloud computing competencies and reliability of their practical knowledge by helping the students to acquire the Solutions Architecture Associate Certification, certification as an AWS Cloud Expert, and Cloud Practitioner Certification.


President Jungai Kang said, “The collaboration with the leading cloud corporation AWS is expected to foster outstanding individuals for the 4th industrial revolution and increase our students’ cloud computing competencies,” and “We hope this partnership can mature into a sustainable partnership and become the cornerstone toward the increase of women workforce in the Korean IT industry.”


Meanwhile, as a part of the “Women in Tech” program, our university held a seminar titled “I’m the future of tomorrow!?” at The Second Foundation Campus Gemma Hall on May 23. Our university’s alumni currently employed at AWS participated in the seminar and gave special lectures under the theme “Key to Success in Global Corporations,” which was followed by sessions “5 Keywords for Understanding Amazon Cloud” by Vice President of The Cloudist Hong Sun-tae and “Fostering Women Software Workforce and Present/Future AWS Education of Sookmyung Women’s University” by Dean of Academic Affairs Choi Jong-won. After the seminar, the event continued at the Administration Building, where the Director of AWS Jeon Jae-min reported the plans on “Sookmyung Women in Tech.”